Visigistics Blog

Featured Resources for

Reliable Supply Chains

Mexico Disrupts Chinese Manufacturing

For decades, companies have taken advantage of the low-cost labor in China to produce their products, but times are changing.

Made in Mexico

5 Strategies to Improve Supply Chain Performance in 2023

Turn the current supply chain challenges into a competitive advantage for your business! Here are five strategies that...

Trade-offs in Supply Chain Management and Key Supply Chain Metrics

As a business leader, you are constantly looking for ways to improve your business. If you are in the manufacturing or...

My Favorite Bottleneck

I really don't like waiting anywhere but I do tolerate it at Chick-Fil-A because I love their food and service. I came...

How Bottlenecks affect ability to meets Customer Expectations

I posted this picture on LinkedIn recently as I was waiting for a sandwich. I asked who saw the bottlenecks in the...

Supply Chain in the Wild-Reliability

Every day we all make observations about how we could make the companies we buy from better. I decided that I would...