Visigistics Blog

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Reliable Supply Chains

Mexico Disrupts Chinese Manufacturing

For decades, companies have taken advantage of the low-cost labor in China to produce their products, but times are changing.

Made in Mexico

5 Key Factors to Consider When Selecting a Logistics Consultant

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business world, choosing the right logistics consulting firm can make a...

Mexico Disrupts Chinese Manufacturing

This blog will break down why businesses are moving their manufacturing from China to Mexico. After reading it,...

5 Strategies to Improve Supply Chain Performance in 2023

Turn the current supply chain challenges into a competitive advantage for your business! Here are five strategies that...

Trade-offs in Supply Chain Management and Key Supply Chain Metrics

As a business leader, you are constantly looking for ways to improve your business. If you are in the manufacturing or...

My Favorite Bottleneck

I really don't like waiting anywhere but I do tolerate it at Chick-Fil-A because I love their food and service. I came...

How Bottlenecks affect ability to meets Customer Expectations

I posted this picture on LinkedIn recently as I was waiting for a sandwich. I asked who saw the bottlenecks in the...

Supply Chain in the Wild-Reliability

Every day we all make observations about how we could make the companies we buy from better. I decided that I would...